Four Pillars Rare Dry Gin 750ml
Crafted with precision and passion, Four Pillars Rare Dry Gin is a premium Australian gin renowned for its unique botanical blend. Made at the Four Pillars distillery in Healesville, Victoria, this gin is a perfect harmony of classic and contemporary elements. Its flavor profile is bold and distinctive, featuring ten hand-selected botanicals, including Tasmanian pepperberry, coriander seed, and whole oranges, which provide a fresh and zesty character.
Tasting Notes:
- Opens with vibrant citrus aromas
- Warm spice and a hint of sweetness
- Crisp and clean on the palate, with juniper taking the lead
- A medley of citrus fruits and floral notes
- Smooth and lingering finish with delicate pepperberry complexity
Additional Information:
- Proof: 83.6
- ABV: 41.8%
Serving Suggestions:
- Classic Gin & Tonic: Pair with premium tonic water and garnish with a slice of orange or lemon.
- Negroni: Combine with sweet vermouth and Campari for a timeless cocktail.
- Martini: Serve with a twist of lemon for a smooth and elegant drink.
- Or enjoy it on its own, over ice, to savor its full, crisp flavor.
Product Summary: Four Pillars Rare Dry Gin offers a distinctive, aromatic experience thanks to its expertly crafted botanical blend. Perfect for gin enthusiasts and those looking to elevate their cocktail game, it is ideal for classic gin cocktails like the Gin & Tonic, Negroni, and Martini. With its refined citrus-forward flavor, this gin stands out as a must-have for your home bar or as a thoughtful gift for any occasion.