Four Pillars Navy Strength Gin 750ml
Experience the bold, high-proof intensity of Four Pillars Navy Strength Gin. This premium Australian gin is crafted with the same exceptional botanicals as the Rare Dry Gin but at a higher ABV, delivering a powerful and robust flavor profile. Distilled in Healesville, Victoria, it features a blend of ten hand-selected botanicals, including juniper, Tasmanian pepperberry, and fresh citrus, creating a gin that's rich, aromatic, and perfectly balanced.
Tasting Notes:
- Aromatic juniper with a strong, citrus-forward nose
- Bold, spicy pepperberry notes with a hint of warming cardamom
- Full-bodied and smooth, with a crisp and refreshing finish
- Complex layers of citrus, spice, and floral notes
- Lively and powerful finish with an underlying sweetness
Additional Information:
- Proof: 114.4
- ABV: 57.2%
Serving Suggestions:
- Classic Gin & Tonic: Pair with a premium tonic water, and garnish with a slice of grapefruit or orange.
- Negroni: Perfectly suited for this bold cocktail, combining sweet vermouth and Campari.
- Gin Martini: Serve ice-cold with a twist of lemon or an olive for a strong, crisp drink.
- Gin Fizz: Add a refreshing twist with soda water, lemon, and a touch of sugar.
- Sipped Neat: Enjoy on its own, letting the powerful flavors unfold.
Product Summary: Four Pillars Navy Strength Gin delivers an elevated experience for gin connoisseurs and cocktail lovers. With its higher ABV, it is perfect for creating vibrant cocktails that demand a bold gin presence. This full-bodied, aromatic gin is an essential addition to any home bar, bringing complexity and strength to your gin collection.