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Four Pillars Bloody Shiraz Gin 750ml
Indulge in the bold and vibrant flavors of Four Pillars Bloody Shiraz Gin, a one-of-a-kind fusion of gin and Australian Shiraz grapes. Crafted in the Yarra Valley, this innovative gin begins with Four Pillars' award-winning Rare Dry Gin, which is steeped with locally sourced cool-climate Shiraz grapes. The result is a naturally rich, deep purple spirit bursting with luscious berry flavors, balanced by classic gin botanicals.
Tasting Notes
- Aroma: Intense aromas of ripe blackberries, dark cherries, and hints of peppery spice.
- Palate: Juicy and full-bodied with vibrant notes of plum, blackberry, and raspberry, layered over subtle juniper and herbal spice.
- Finish: Smooth and slightly sweet with a lingering balance of fruit and gin botanicals.
Additional Information
- Alcohol Content: 37.8% ABV
- Please note, this item is not shipped in the original packaging.
Key Features
- Innovative Blend: Combines Four Pillars Rare Dry Gin with handpicked Yarra Valley Shiraz grapes for a unique flavor profile.
- Natural Color: Its deep purple hue is entirely natural - no artificial coloring or flavoring added.
- Limited Production: Crafted once a year during the Shiraz harvest, making each release special and highly sought after.
- Versatile Enjoyment: Delicious sipped neat, over ice, or in creative cocktails.
Serving Suggestions
- Bloody Spritz: Mix with soda water or tonic and garnish with a slice of orange for a refreshing twist.
- Bloody Negroni: Replace gin in a classic Negroni for a fruit-forward, bittersweet variation.
- On the Rocks: Simply pour over ice to savor its bold, juicy flavors.
Four Pillars Bloody Shiraz Gin is a vibrant and indulgent spirit that bridges the gap between gin and wine. Its rich berry flavors and smooth finish make it perfect for adventurous gin lovers and wine enthusiasts alike.
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