Caballito Cerrero Chato Blanco Tequila 750ml
Caballito Cerrero Chato Blanco is a distinctive agave spirit produced by the esteemed Caballito Cerrero distillery, a family-owned operation with a legacy spanning over 15 generations. This expression is crafted from the rare Chato agave (Agave angustifolia), a variety traditionally used in tequila production prior to 1964. The agave is steam-cooked in a 150-year-old brick oven, mechanically milled, and open-fermented for seven days in stainless steel before being double-distilled.
Tasting Notes
- Aroma: Enticing scents of cooked agave, baked bread, and broiled grapefruit, with a hint of alcohol.
- Palate: Green bell pepper, anise, cooked agave, cream, tangerine, and vanilla.
- Finish: Clean milk chocolate with lasting agave and vegetal notes.
Serving Suggestions
- Enjoy neat to fully appreciate its complexity and depth of flavor.
- Serve over a large ice cube to subtly mellow the richness.
- Pair with dishes such as grilled seafood, ceviche, or light salads to complement its fresh and vegetal profile.
Additional Information
- Proof/Alcohol Content: 92 proof (46% ABV)
- Packaging: Please note, this item is not shipped in the original packaging.
Caballito Cerrero Chato Blanco offers a distinctive tasting experience, combining traditional production methods with the unique characteristics of the Chato agave. Its complex flavor profile and rich history make it a noteworthy choice for agave spirit enthusiasts.