50ml Mini Outer Space Vodka is a novelty vodka that combines smoothness with a playful design. Distilled five times from American corn, this vodka is gluten-free and offers a clean, crisp profile, perfect for sipping or mixing in cocktails. Packaged in a striking mini alien-head-shaped bottle, it's a fun and collectible option for vodka enthusiasts or party favors.
Tasting Notes
- Nose: Clean and subtle with light hints of grain and a touch of sweetness.
- Palate: Smooth and velvety with a neutral profile, featuring delicate notes of corn and a faint touch of vanilla.
- Finish: Crisp and clean with no harsh aftertaste.
Additional Information
- Proof: 80 (40% ABV)
- Packaging: 50ml alien-head-shaped bottle, perfect for gifting or travel.
Why Choose Outer Space Vodka?
Outer Space Vodka is more than just a drink - it's an experience. The five-times distillation process ensures exceptional purity and a silky texture, making it versatile for any cocktail, from martinis to Moscow mules. The quirky alien-themed bottle design sets it apart, making it a conversation starter at gatherings or a unique addition to any collection.
Whether you're exploring the cosmos of vodka flavors or looking for a fun gift, Outer Space Vodka delivers quality with an extraterrestrial twist!